Monthly Archives: June 2014

How to Recover Data From Mac Mini

2012-macmini-gallery2Apple has produced some of the coolest and advanced devices in the digital market. They have manufactured desktops, laptops, smartphone, tablets. Now they have come up with Mac Mini. You must be knowing that it is a small form factor desktop. Whats surprising is that it does not have any display, mouse or keyboard with it. It is an affordable option if you have a limited budget but still want a Mac system. It has all the necessary components that a standard CPU need to be operational but in the compact size. Like it has hard disk, a processor and RAM unit etc. All the components have lower capacity as compared to other desktops but it is manageable a such a low price point. The latest version of Mac Mini runs Mac OS X Mavericks. You can use it as a server with a full fledged Mac system. You just need to connect with other accessories and it will be good to go.

Mac Mini is portable reliable to an extent but it does not guarantee any security from data loss. It acts as a server and used by different user which makes it more prone to corruption damage and virus attack. The sensitive data in it is always in jeopardy as it can also hacked through network. There can be situations that are beyond your control and data will be either lost or get corrupted.

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Why Time Machine Backup isn’t enough for Mac Data Recovery

Time-MachineMac machines are known as the best computer system available for general people. It is the perfect combination of robust hardware and sophisticated and well designed software. It provides its users several exclusive features that can not be accessed on any other computer. The main thing every computer does is data processing and to process data it has to be stored somewhere. Generally the data stored inthe hard disk of the computer. Mac Hard drives are the most reliable in saving the data safely. But there is no guarantee the data will not be lost from the it. Ther are many unwanted situations where the data can be lost or corrupted even from the Mac system. Sometimes you accidentally delete the data, format the hard drive by choice or to fix any error. The data loss can also be due to virus infection, hard drive error, power surge, abrupt shut down etc.

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How to Perform Formatted External Hard Drive recovery

formatted external hard drive recoveryUsing external hard drive has become a trend for Mac users. People are not satisfied with the internal storage capacity that Apple provide with their desktop or laptop. They want to store lots of high quality videos and games that comes in a big file size and require large disk space , The internal hard drive is not sufficient for it. The external hard drives ar more portable than the system and also has high storage capacity than the pen drives available. So it is the best choice for those who are camera lover and plays lots of video games. There are several companies that provide external hard drives of different storage capacity also different data transfer speeds. Almost all of them are compatible with the Mac system and you just have to plug it with USB cable provide and the Mac will recognize it as a disk volume. You can now write your files in it and read it as your convenience. You can also install some programs in it. Mac also provide security measures for the data security of external hard disk by locking it with password. So that no one else can use you external hard drive without your permission.

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How to Recover Data from Mac Hard drive

Mac hard drive recoveryIf your Mac has started giving you trouble and frequently giving you error while opening or saving a file then there can be a problem with Mac hard drive. Before any hazardous situation occur you must use Apple Disk utility to repair the hard disk. But sometimes the disk utility won’t work because it ca not repair the start up drive. It do not have permission for that. When the problem starts it is better to make backup as soon as possible before the hard disk finally crash. If you have made the back up then it is okay otherwise it will be difficult to recover data from crashed hard drive. Hard drive is most integral part of you Mac, it stores data which the computer uses for process. If anything happens to the hard drive the data will be lost and the computer will have nothing to do without data. If the system files stored in the hard drive is affected then the Mac will not boot.

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How to restore deleted Trash files on Mac

recover trash

Did you accidentally delete the files from your Mac hard drive and empty the Trash Bin? Trash Bin is not strange to you. You know that the documents you send to Trash Bin are still recoverable. What you need to do is to click ’restore’. The files in the trash will be restored at the original location. The files will be ready to edit and you can manipulate it as you wish but what if the you have accidentally clicked the empty trash button, the files will be deleted permanently. Later you may realize that there was also an important file in the trash that was deleted in the process. You may be now regretting your action and thinking how you can restore deleted trash files on Mac. It is not really simple to undo what you have done but it is possible to recover those deleted files.

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How to Undo Empty Trash on Mac

The Mac systems are the most advanced personal computers designed and developed by Apple. It comprises of a well built and assembled hardware and a very sophisticated and powerful Operating system. Its performance is unmatched and it is preferred by amateur as well as professionals. It provides user with some exclusive facilities and application that you can not find with any other product. The different kinds of application that you can use on Mac system are iLife, iPhoto, iTunes, entourage etc. These all combine to give you unparalleled user experience. It is worth of every dollar you have spent on it

What is Trash on Mac ?

Apart from these highly customized and developed application there is also a simple but usefutrash guidel application called trash. Trash acts as temporary storage when you delete any file from your hard drive for creating some extra space for storing another important stuffs. Whenever you use the delete button or right click and then delete the file first goto the trash. You will not find it at the original place. Now you have two choices either you can empty the trash and permanently delete it or you can restore it at same location from where it was deleted.

There are cases when an important file is deleted with other garbage stuffs and you empty the trash without checking it. The files can also be deleted by when use the command + delete button without realizing the selection of file you have made. You can also delete the file by dragging the to the trash icon. You must be thinking that the files you have deleted has been gone forever but actually this is not the fact. The files which are deleted after emptying the trash do remain on the hard disk drive but the Operating system loses its access. The only thing which is permanently deleted is the path of the location where It was saved. The space occupied by that file is marked as free for writing another file.

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